So, you would think I would start blogging again with something REALLY charming, after such an absence.
Well, this isn't charming yet, but there is definitely potential down the line. You know I went from a very large house to a cute but teeny one. ...Well, in spite of my best intentions after having given most of my "extras" to the church or to Goodwill, you'd think that my storage issues would be solved, right? Nope, not so much. I have begun to organize! I know, how many times have I started such an expedition? Seriously though, I don't like seeing stuff everywhere unless it is neat and in it's place. Tired of the chaos, I have started anew, (in earnest) and now with a little motivation, in the way of an online de-cluttering group I joined. It started yesterday and I'll give you the deets on my next post.
The scene of the crime... (the first area):
I've been having a terrible flare up with the Fibromyalgia lately, so I didn't know how it would go with making such a commitment, but here I am, still alive and awake. (I know it sounds like a ridiculously small task, but emptying "a box a day" can be overwhelming given the size of my house having a flare up. I'm not wild about talking about the FM, but I'll work on it. I don't like sounding like a victim, you know?
Please note, the empty tub to the left...
In progress... (the jar is for Goodwill and the baggie is for my Art group. (More on that later too).
My husband cleaned up "his mess" last weekend and it will look better when we sell that fridge and wicker loveseat. I couldn't let him shame me, I had to start to work on "my" mess. :)
I'll be telling you all about the on-line group as I go along, but meanwhile I have 3 new "Accountability Buddies" whom I'll be telling you about too. Today I wanted to "show" them the bit of progress I made today, and I thought that while I was taking pics, I may as well start blogging again! (Hence, the pics here). Don't judge! :) At least I'm doing something, right?
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